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A: Unsubscribe links allow email recipients to unsubscribe from receiving your future emails through MailMail. It is mandated by the FTC’s CAN-SPAM Act, and will be added for you if not found in your template. You may add your own unsubscribe link by including an <a href="{{{unsubscribe}}}">Unsubscribe</a> in your template.

A: Dynamic tags are words encompassed in double curly brackets, example {{name}}. They can be included in your template to make your emails more personalised. If you are a Pro user, MailMail will retrieve columns in your recipient lists that match your dynamic tags, and fill in the values in your template accordingly. All users must fill in default values for dynamic tags during campaign scheduling to account for missing values in recipient lists. If you are not a Pro user, your emails will only use these default values.

A: Dynamic tags can only contain alphanumeric characters. Whitespaces and special characters such as ?!.,-_/ are not allowed. They also cannot begin with a number, e.g. {{1name}}, or be empty, e.g. {{}}. Dynamic tags are not case sensitive. Using {{firstname}} or {{FirstName}} in your template would refer to the same column firstname found in your mailing list. If columns of the same name are found across multiple mailing lists, the column from the mailing list with the higher order will be used. For example, given mailing lists with order 2 and order 3, the column from the mailing list with order 2 will be used.

A: Helper tags are words encompassed in triple curly brackets. Currently, MailMail is programmed to handle a number of helper tags. These tags are filled in automatically when sending an email. The tags are {{{year}}}, {{{unsubscribe}}}, {{{address}}}, and {{{company}}}.

A: Assets is a default folder created to store files uploaded through template builder. Non-Pro users will only be able to access this folder, while Pro users will be able to move files between folders.

A: Please use your legitimate personal or business details. According to the FTC’s CAN-SPAM Act, it is an offence to use false or misleading header information.

A: MailMail requires default values as a fail-safe. In the event where your recipient lists contain empty values, the default value will be used. Also, only default values will be used for non-Pro users, instead of recipient list values.

A: We have detected that the email column you picked does not seem to contain any email addresses. Please preview your mailing list or blacklist to ensure that you pick a column that contains email addresses.

A: All templates are by default ordered chronologically when they are created. In any folder, the newest template will always be sent first. You may reorder the template sending sequence by using the reorder function in their respective folders. Note that in the All folder option, the templates are strictly sorted in chronological order, where the last edited template will be shown first.

A: Yes. Any updates to existing templates will be reflected on the next email sent. You do not have to reschedule your campaign for the updated template to take effect.

A: Overages are fees applied when you exceed your plan limits. The overage fees are charged at $0.005 per email.

A: Yes. You will not be able to send a campaign exceeding 3 times the email limit of your plan. This ensures that you always have the correct plan for your campaign size.

A: When upgrading a plan, you will be immediately upgraded to your new plan with the billing cycle reset to the time of upgrade, whereby your new initial subscription fee will deduct the unused time from your previous subscription plan. For example, if you are currently on Day 15 of your Standard 5k Plan ($15/mo), and upgrade to Pro 50k Plan ($150/mo), you will be billed a prorated fee of $142.50 ($150 - (30-15)/30 * $15).

A: When downgrading a plan, you will retain your current plan until the end of your billing cycle, whereby your new subscription fee will be the price of the chosen subscription plan. For example, if you are currently subscribed to Pro 50k Plan ($150/mo) which expires on Day 30, and downgrade to Standard 5k Plan ($15/mo) before Day 30, you will retain your Pro 50k Plan until Day 30, whereby you be billed $15 on Day 30.

A: The limits are as follows:

Limit 50 mailing lists per campaign.Limit 50 mailing lists per campaign.Maximum of 10 files per upload.Maximum of 10 files per upload.Maximum of 10 files per upload.Maximum of 10 files per upload.
Limit 10 blacklist per campaign.Limit 10 blacklist per campaign.HTML Templates do not use up storage size.CSV storage is limited to respective plan's storage size.Attachment, image and file storage is limited to respective plan's storage size.Attachment storage is limited to respective plan's storage size.
Maximum of 25MB per campaign is allowed.Maximum of 25MB per campaign is allowed.Maximum of 50,000 rows or 10 columns per CSV.

A: MagicSend allows you to send email campaigns to an audience via a keyword or category name. That means, you do not need a list of emails to reach your targeted audience. For example, if you are a coffee bean exporter, you may use cafes as your MagicSend keyword with the country Brazil to reach out to cafe owners in Brazil.

A: No! MagicSend emails are only used when starting a new MagicSend campaign. Restarting your MagicSend campaign counts only as regular email usage.

A: Removing special characters like apostrophes (', `) from your mailing lists during processing ensures smooth and accurate data handling, enhancing your MailMail experience by minimizing parsing issues and maintaining data integrity.

A: When selecting multiple mailing lists for the same campaign, the order of which you select them determines which mailing list gets sent out first. Unless your mailing lists is incredibly large, e.g. in the millions, the first and last recipient will likely receive the emails only minutes apart.

A: When you refer a friend to our service, both you and your friend can receive a $10 discount. However, this discount is applied only when the referred user subscribes to a paid plan. The $10 discount can be used on most plans, but please note that it cannot be applied to the 5K Standard Monthly Plan. You will receive your $10 promotional code once the referred user has successfully subscribed to a paid plan. Each billing cycle, $10 will be deducted from your available credits.

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